apply for a grant

SCHIP accepts applications for grants twice a year with deadlines of March 15th and September 15th

Grant Guidelines and Deadlines

Since SCHIP began making grants, many non-profits, schools, and governmental service providers have used the awarded funds to continue their mission to improve the lives of our neighbors and strengthen our communities. Grants range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars. Grants are made possible as a result of SCHIP’s mission to raise funds through the sale of locally donated, gently used clothing, household items, accessories, jewelry, art, and collectibles at its resale shop in the distinctive yellow building on Route 7 in Shelburne, Vermont. 

Since the first grants were awarded in April 2005, more than $967,000 has been distributed. In the past, most of our grants were capped at $3,000, except for those applications that contained a detailed business plan. We have removed the $3,000 limit, recognizing that some projects may require additional funds to become successful.


You may be eligible for SCHIP funding if:


We provide funding for:

We DO NOT provide funding for:


SCHIP relies on the grant writer to adhere to the following outline format when submitting their grant application in pdf format.  All pertinent questions must be answered and labeled in the format provided below. (example I. or IIa. or IIIc., etc.)   There is no longer a standardized and downloadable application form other than this structure because we understand every applicant may want to add additional information. 

Use the following outline to structure your grant application.


I.       Grant cycle (month/year): 

II.      Contact Information:

a. Organization or 501c3 applying (If you are a 510c3 – please append a copy of your IRS certification.

b. Organization’s Address

c.   Organizations Telephone Number

d.  Contact Person/Responsible Individual who can be contacted regarding this application.

i.           Address

ii.          Telephone number

iii.          Email address

e. Who will be responsible for a progress/final report to SCHIP.

i.            Address

ii.           Telephone number

iii.          Email address

III.     Project or activity for which funds are requested. (Title and summary description)

a. Detailed description of the project and timing of the proposed activity.

b.  Funding Request (Amount).

c.  Explain how this grant would be used to fund either: (Choose one).

                       i.            New capital projects for which seed funding is requested.

                       ii.           Established program expenses other than payroll or stipends.

                       iii.          Participant discounts and/or scholarships.

                       iv.          Events, conferences, or meetings.

                       v.           Capacity building and expansion of services.

IV. Provide a detailed and itemized budget of exactly how the requested funds will be to be used.  (Please read TYPES OF FUNDING carefully to understand what  SCHIP will fund and the limitations to funding)  In addition, provide the following:

a.    If this grant is partially funded, do you have the funds available from other sources to complete the program/project described in IIIa above.

b.  If this grant request exceeds $10,000, it should be accompanied with a detailed business plan showing the sources of future funding, competition, the resumes of key personnel, profit and loss projections and a cash flow analysis.  Such a proposal will only be considered if the grantee can demonstrate that the defined project or organization would be self-funded in the future.

V.  Provide a description of your organization and geographic area served.  In addition:

a. Have you previously received a grant from SCHIP?  When?

b. If a grant has previously been received from SCHIP, has a report detailing accomplishments been filed? Unless a timely progress or completion report have been filed, you may be disqualified from future grants.

c. Describe how residents of Shelburne, Charlotte & Hinesburg will benefit, including estimated number to be served.

Please submit your application using the outline structure used for the questions above.  All submittals must be in pdf format and can only be accepted when delivered to the following email address  


Project Evaluation Factors:

Processing Grant Applications:


Important Stipulations on All Grant Awards

SCHIP Grant Progress-Completion-Publicity Report 20241017docx.docx

Completion Report

apply for a grant at
